Summer Triples
We thought you or someone you know might be interested in a new ALTERNATIVE Saturday afternoon, social-style competition at the Hawthorn Bowling Club, commencing Saturday Oct 8, 12.30 for 1pm.
Summer Triples
By popular demand, our Home Bowls program has been expanded to become an alternative permanent Saturday afternoon, social-style team and individual competition to be known as ‘Summer Triples’. First-timers, old-timers and in-betweeners, open-gender, all welcome.
Players may register or just turn-up any Saturday as individuals or as teams of 2. Teams will be allocated a third rotating individual player from week to week. ‘Good Different’ to plagiarise a little. We’re starting with a trial game on Saturday Oct 8, 12.30 for 1pmand, to stay with the ‘Good Different’ theme for a moment:
- there are spots for both casual and regular players;
- free loan bowls are available, along with weekly coaching tips and prizes;
- it’s free for HBC members and only $10 a time for newcomers;
- there’s no week-to-week obligation, just play when you want.
All games are played at the Hawthorn Bowling Club, there’s a bar and refreshments and NO uniforms are required.
Sounds good? Simply send an email with your name and your best contact details,
or ring Graeme on 0419 030 908.
Graeme Alder CF
Summer Triples Manager